Cathedral of Seville - General View


Título / Título / Título
EN Cathedral of Seville - General View
ES Catedral de Sevilla - Vista General
PT Catedral de Sevilha - Vista geral
Description / Descripción / Descrição
EN Seville Cathedral: Santa Maria de la Sede Was the mosque of Abu Ya'Kub Yusuf - built in 1171 et seq. Present building begun 1402 - practically finished in 1506 Dome collapsed in 1511 - rebuilt from plans by Juan Gil de Hontanon in 1512-1517. Extensive restoration begun in 1882 (vaulting had been weakened by earthquake shocks) under the supervision of Casanova Dome collapsed a second time in 1888. General view
Creator / Creadora / Criador
EN Florence Arquin, photographer
Place / Lugar
EN 37.3772/ -5.9869
Location / Localización / Localização
EN Seville (inhabited place), Seville (province), Spain (nation)
Format / Formato / Formato
EN 35mm kodachrome slide
Publisher / Editor / Editor
EN Florida Atlantic University
Subject / Tema / Assunto
EN cathedrals (works by context), World Heritage Sites, Moorish
ES catedrales, Patrimonios de la Humanidad Cultural y Natural, Morisco (estilo)
PT catedrais (obras por contexto), Património Mundial, Mourisco
Type / Tipo / Tipo
EN Still Image
Identifier / Identificador / Identificador
EN G-3 272
Item sets

Position: 7641 (3 views)