Cathedral of Seville - Main Altar


Título / Título / Título
EN Cathedral of Seville - Main Altar
ES Catedral de Sevilla - Altar Mayor
PT Catedral de Sevilha - Altar principal
Description / Descripción / Descrição
EN Seville Cathedral Interior Main altar Retable of larch wood Painted and gilded Central niche contains silver figure of the Virgen de la Sede by Francisco Alfaro 1596 Other compartments contain scenes from the Bible and from the life of the Virgin Painted and gilded
Creator / Creadora / Criador
EN Florence Arquin, photographer
Place / Lugar
EN 37.3772/ -5.9869
Location / Localización / Localização
EN Seville (inhabited place), Seville (province), Spain (nation)
Format / Formato / Formato
EN 35mm kodachrome slide
Publisher / Editor / Editor
EN Florida Atlantic University
Subject / Tema / Assunto
EN cathedrals (works by context), World Heritage Sites, altars and altar components
ES catedrales, Patrimonios de la Humanidad Cultural y Natural, altares y componentes de altar
PT catedrais (obras por contexto), Património Mundial, altares e componentes do altar
Type / Tipo / Tipo
EN Still Image
Identifier / Identificador / Identificador
EN G-3 302
Item sets

Position: 7641 (3 views)