Mosque-Cathedral of Córdoba Interior - Entrance


Título / Título / Título
EN Mosque-Cathedral of Córdoba Interior - Entrance
ES Mezquita-Catedral de Córdoba Interior - Entrada
PT Interior da Mesquita-Catedral de Córdoba - Entrada
Description / Descripción / Descrição
EN Seville Cathedral: Santa Maria de la Sede Was the mosque of Abu Ya'Kub Yusuf - built in 1171 et seq. Present building begun 1402 - practically finished in 1506 Dome collapsed in 1511 - rebuilt from plans by Juan Gil de Hontanon in 1512-1517. Extensive restoration begun in 1882 (vaulting had been weakened by earthquake shocks) under the supervision of Casanova Dome collapsed a second time in 1888. General view
Creator / Creadora / Criador
EN Florence Arquin, photographer
Place / Lugar
EN 37.8833/ -4.7667
Location / Localización / Localização
EN Cordova (inhabited place), Córdoba (province), Spain (nation)
Format / Formato / Formato
EN 35mm kodachrome slide
Publisher / Editor / Editor
EN Florida Atlantic University
Subject / Tema / Assunto
EN cathedrals (works by context), mosques (buildings), entrances, towers (building divisions)
ES catedrales, mezquitas, entradas (vano), torres (división de construcción)
PT catedrais (obras por contexto), mesquitas (edifícios), entradas, torres (divisões do edifício)
Type / Tipo / Tipo
EN Still Image
Identifier / Identificador / Identificador
EN G-3 376
Item sets

Position: 7641 (3 views)